Monday 5 August 2013

Insight on how to make your account plus

Making legitimate money is a good thing to the Lives of Youths, it might not neccessarily be an Online Biz but Legitimate ways of Making Money Offline Rocks!! I will be Sharing with you a very Short-Tips to Make Money at Home and at your School to get most Finacial Stuff done!
TIPS: By Clicking on the Share Button above, Do you know How many Family you will put Smile on their Face? Let them See this Post also and Start living a Fufil life!!!
We will try to Make this Post very Interesting, Educative.. Most Students after attempting JAMB or Post-UME without Success, They get Depressed and i guess its due to Perental Pressure on them and some are even Bored Sitting at Home. I know how this might be because i was once in their Shoes but the Solution to this is Absolute Dedication, Make up your Mind to try your Best, Never Get Tired, Find Something doing and Good will assist you! Thats the Code i use and it works for me. I was 19 when i started Laughing to the Bank and i believe you too can.
NOTE: This Article will be very helpful if you are not the Fast Money Type, It works for me back then and its working for most of my Friends at School now.
Before i became a Webmaster, I do make Legitimate money from people for my Services and it was Fun, You also get to know more people. I will be sharing my Little Biz with you Guys today, Just follow us!!!
1. Bulk SMS: This is one Business i can never Joke with, with this Biz i was able to Raise upto N60,000 in a week as a Profit back then in 2009! I do visit Schools, Clubs, Mosque, Churches even Shops to inform them about Bulk SMS as a Tools to Drive more Customers and a way to Reach Out to New and Existing Customers to check back our shops for new Products. With Bulk SMS, You too can make cool money at Home and at School without Stress!
>> See Here for A-Z Details about Bulk SMS Business.
2. Phone/PC Browsing Configuration: Most Guys make Money through this, Ever since the existence of Free Browsing people have been making money Offline configuring Phone and PC to browse the Internet for Free at a Fee! Some people take it as a Fun Job where they are Paid any Amount but Computer Village, Ikeja is a different Case, People are been charged for upto N1,000 to connect their Phone to browse the Internet for Free and upto N5,000 to Browse free on their PC. But the Painful Part is that they dont Invite People to Naijaloaded as the Source of their Tweak in Returns and this Hurts…lol
3. Unlocking of Internet Modem: This is the Most Lucrative Offline Business for Students at School and at Home! Most people engage in this Business because of the Flexibility. Unlocking of Modem is fast becoming a must for every Nigeria due to the poor state of our ISP {Internet Service Provider}, Unlocking of your Modem allow you to switch between Multiple Network using just a Single Modem! Unlocking of Modem cost Roughly N1500 in Ikeja, You can Fix your Own Price depending on your customers.
>> Learn How to Unlock Internet Modem Here.
4. Download & Installation Business: A Friend of Mine bought his First Laptop forN70k with his Gain while doing this Biz immediately he finish Secondary School. Do people around need any Software for Phone & PC? then my Friend is the Guru when it comes to that back then, He charge roughly N200 for Mobile Games or Application and N400 for PC Softwares, i bet this Business is still Booming, Ask the Computer Engineers around how much they charge for Software Installation, You will be Suprised and will want to start the Installation Business in no time!
5. Organising of Seminars and Workshop: There are a lot of people out there willing to attend seminars to simply learn new stuffs or just to acquire more skills. You don’t even have to be rich to organize seminars. I have a friend that started making money organizing seminars using primary school classrooms. Right now, he has stepped up to the extent that he now uses Hotels for his seminars. In as much as you have a skill you believe people will love to learn or you have info products you believe people will love to have and know how they work, then you are good to go. If you are a Student you can also Organise Seminars in your School be it at Secondary Level or Tetiary Level, You will surely Hit your Target.
6. Advance Tech Stuff: Just like who do call it back then in my Polytechnic days, Hacking of Symbian Phones, Jailbreaking of iPod, iPad, Unlocking of Phones, We Refer all this to Advance Tech Stuff because the pay is worth the Name! This Days if you dont have a Hacked Symbian Phones you might Experience lot of Problem Installing some Symbian Applications on your Phone, Cerftificate Error is the No 1 Issue, If you know How to H!ck Symbian Phone, Then you are loosing the Juice from the Biz!
JailBreaking is also one thing almost all Apple Device Users need, if you see anyone making use of iPod, iPad etc, then you can inform him or her about Jailbreaking and make upto N5000 with 3 Minutes, Its very Simple and Fast and No Risk attached to it. Unlocking is also an Essential Part of every Device, This also Drive in Good Money.
I will be Treating JailBreaking as a Tutorial Soonest on Naijaloaded, Just Stay Tuned to Us, Always Check the Site Daily for New, Informative and Educative Content.
NOTE: This Write up is Suitable for Students Seeking Admission, Undergraduates, Graduates, Youth Corpers and Job Seeker!

The Easy Way To Create Index For Pdf Files

Because PDF files have certainly become very popular in use, there would definitely be so many PDF files stored in just about any personal computer. Whether you use this computer for business or personal use, there will definitely be many PDF files saved. And there will surely come a time when you would need to lift or use a particular PDF file from the many files that you have. But what if you do not remember the exact filename, or even bits and pieces of the filename, then you will surely have a hard time browsing through the many folders that contain PDF files. This is precisely why it is important for you to create index for your PDF files. 

There are so many applications all over the web and the computer industry that can help you create such a scenario for your PDF files. And if you have one of these ap

plications, then you will definitely see just how convenient having this can be. One particular scenario that would make you feel so grateful to have the application handy is when you need a certain PDF file or a number of PDF files for a presentation or report that you are giving. Let us say that the meeting is starting in just a matter of minutes, and you still do not have the PDF files that you need. With the help of the application, and the creation of index for your PDF files, the search for these files can be made so much easier. 

But you should not rely on the application that you have installed in your system alone. Mind you, there are still certain steps that you would have to undertake, so that the system can be as efficient as it ought to be. So, just what are these steps? 

The first step is that you should choose how you want to create an index for your PDF files. You have a couple of choices here. You can choose to go with the short index or the long index. The short index pertains to just keywords that are contained in the text portion of your PDF files. The long index, however, has the contents of your PDF files in full. 

Once you have cleared the first step, the next is to decide the file path for your system. One option here is to create a full path so that you can save the file index anywhere you want to. Another option is to create a relative path, by means of a searchable CD. The next step is then to select the target location where you want the index to be saved. Thus, whenever you create an index for a PDF file, it would be stored in the target location. 

Once you’re done here, you can then choose the folders and the particular PDF files that you want to index. When these files have been specified, you can then let your reliable application do the rest of the work for you! The application will then proceed to indexing your PDF files, just as you have specified in your settings. Thus, when you want to create index for your PDF files, you really do not have to do so much on your part! This is indeed an easy process to complete!

How To Port To Glo from MTN, Airtel, Etisalat Without Changing Your Phone Number

Porting to Glo simply means that you can change from your current mobile provider to enjoy better quality and cheaper rates on the Glo network without changing your mobile number. In other words, you don’t need to inform your friends and relatives about any change in your number after you’ve ported to Glo.

Porting to Glo is FREE and the Glo porting code is also "3232".  

So, How do I Port my Phone number to Glo?

  • Walk in to any nearby Glo officeGlo zone or Glo SIM registration stand
  • Ensure you take along with you, a valid means of identificationphotocopy of the id and the mobile number you want to port to Glo
  • Tell the Glo rep that you want to port to Glo. “Port-In” request form will be issued to you.
  • Fill up and sign the Port-In MNP form
  • After signing the form, send “Port” as SMS to short code 3232
  • You will receive a first SMS saying: “Thank you for your SMS. Your request is being processed
  • The rep will issue you a new Glo SIM. Ensure you register the SIM after which you can then leave the Glo office/shop
  • Keep using your Old SIM till you receive the second SMS. The OLD SIM will stop working once you receive the second SMS. 
  • Once you receive the second SMS, remove your old SIM and replace with the Glo SIM given to you.
Now, you can start enjoying Glo freebies, amazing call rates and tariff on your new Glo SIM without any change of phone number.


==> The whole process of switching from your old mobile provider to Glo will take a maximum number of 48hours. Your line will still be working during the period in between when you filled the form and when you changed to Glo SIM.

==> Once the porting process has been completed, you will be restricted from porting your number to a third service provider or back to your original service provider within ninety (90) days of a previous port.

==> You will lose all contacts, SMS, MMS stored in the OLD SIM card as well as any unused airtime and bonuses on the SIM.

==> MNP is available to both “Post-Paid” and “Pre-Paid” (Pay As You Go) mobile customers in Nigeria, as long as your number has not been barred or suspended by your service provider.

Happy Porting!

Convert Document To PDF


There are several ways to create a PDF from a Microsoft Word document. PDF, or Portable Document Format, is used worldwide as a standard in publishing documents on the Internet. This article will briefly look at the origins and use of PDF and detail a document conversion solution that anyone can use. 


PDF has become the de facto standard in sharing documents and publishing on the Internet. For a complete look at the origins of PDF, see history of PDF at 

Documents are created using a variety of applications. Some of the most popular are Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher, plus many other kinds of applications. Sharing and publishing those documents becomes difficult when not everyone uses the same software. 



 one can download and install the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader and view PDFs. However, the Acrobat Reader cannot create a PDF. To create a PDF from your document you will need additional software or you can use an online conversion service. 


1. Buy full verion of Adobe Acrobat. 
2. Buy software from another vendor that needs to be installed. 
3. Use an online conversion service. 

Buying a new version of Adobe Acrobat will cost over $200. If you have a licensed copy of Adobe Acrobat, you are set and ready to convert. 

Purchasing another vendor’s software is a bit of a guessing game on what to buy and whom you are buying from. Most companies will offer you a free trial version. Install it and try it out before committing to buying the software. When using either Adobe Acrobat or another conversion software product can be a good option, if you can afford the initial cost. However, buying software means you’re ethically limited to using it on only one computer. You will also need to purchase upgrades as they become available. 

Online conversion services are another option. With most, you simply upload your document to their site, it is converted and returned to you, either by email or a link back to the site. Some companies provide free conversions with limitations, which can include document file size, number of pages, or restricted ability to print or change your PDF. This option usually gives you a quick and easy way to find out if the service will meet your needs. The advantage to using an online service is that the cost is lower and the service is accessible from anywhere you have an Internet connection. You also avoid upgrade costs when newer software becomes necessary. 


A closer look at one PDF conversion option reveals just how easy the process really is. pdf4u is an online document conversion service that can be found on the web at 

This particular service offers two ways to convert a Word document to PDF: submitting the document using their site or installing their printer and using it for your conversions. We’ll walk through both methods. 

Converting Native Word Document 

1. Go to Enter your email address. This automatically becomes your user name and will be the address used to return your PDF via attachment. If you have a Hotmail, Google, or Yahoo email account, you’ll be able to use this solution anywhere you can access the Internet. 

2. Select the Word document to be converted to PDF by using the browse button. 

3. If you have a subscription you can change any of the Document Settings. The only one that has any effect on the quality of the PDF is the PDF Quality option. The PDF Quality option defines the resolution of the PDF document. If you have a lot of graphics you might need the prepress option. 

4. Click on the Convert button. 

You should be taken to a new page on the browser that tells you if the document was submitted and accepted successfully. If successful it will display the Document Settings your new PDF will have when you receive it as an attachment via email. 

pdf4u Printer 

Installing the printer requires an extra step but once installed is easy to use and you won’t need to start a browser session to submit a document for conversion to PDF. 

1. Go to the web site and click on the Printer Download menu item. that is displayed on the left menu. Download the pdf4u printer and install using the default options. 

Open up your Word document to be converted and select the pdf4u printer as your printer. 

2. Review your document and print using the pdf4u printer. 

3. Once printing is completed a Document Submission Software screen will appear. On this screen enter the email address to send the converted PDF. Make any changes to the document name as desired and click the Next button. 

4. The next screen is for setting the Document Settings and display resolution. Set the Document Settings to be placed on the PDF and the PDF display resolution. For best display results select the pre-press option for the PDF Display Resolution field. Click the Next button and your document will begin transferring to the pdf4u web site. 

5. When the document has completed uploading you will get a File Transfer Completed screen to indicate the status of your file transfer operation. If you do not have a subscription to pdf4u the settings on the Document Settings screen will be ignored and the maximum file size (as of this writing) that can be uploaded is 50K. 

6. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for each document to be converted to PDF. 

Whichever option you choose, document conversion to PDF should be relatively painless. And since it appears as though PDF is here to stay, everyone should make certain they have this capability at their fingertips. 

Things You Can Do To Make Money With Little or No Capital in Nigeria

One of the challenging factors in starting a business or a money making venture is CAPITAL. This factor has in so many ways terminated people’s dream/desire to be a business owner. They think it is impossible to start a business without a start-up capital, and this has being proven wrong by those who succeeded on their course. The truth is that there are so many kinds of business you can start with little or no capital.

The first place to look at is you.

Why do I say so?

There are so mush talents and ability in you that you can develop into a money making machine.

Knowing how to make your talent a problem solving instrument will put you on demand on the market.

I have witnessed a friend who lectures on “How to make a career choice”, going from schools to schools and career centers educating people on his knowledge and getting paid for it. All he posses are the ability to speak fluently, intelligently, narrative and educative, this is his driving forces that enable him to make impact.

When taking such path in using your talent as a tool, you must know how to monetize your ability to your employer that will make them pay the right price for your value.

There are businesses you can start with little capital that will require you learning a skill or trade. In this case you will have to fund the training process with the needed fee.
Such skill work like:

  • Plaiting of hair
  • Fashion Design
  • Bead Making
  • Catering, etc.
The above mentioned has proven to be lucrative if well managed. These products are always at high demands on daily basis and in most cases you don’t have to spend much capital to start like store rental, mode of delivering, etc, for these can be avoided by working from home.

Another type which have gained international recognition is the internet business, where people with certain ability like online marketing, surveying, email marketing, art skills, article writing, etc, are now making money on a daily basis.

In this business you have to know your nichehave access to the internet (either personal computer or cybercafé), little training and few hours of work. You can read "how to start and run an online business in Nigeria" for more info about internet businesses. 

More so, you can consider selling other people's products to get some commission till you make enough money to expand to a bigger business.

Besides that, you can convert your daily hobby into a cash making system, if you can monetize it.

Do you like?

  • Shopping
  • Running errands
  • Personal assistance
  • Fitness training
  • Event planning
  • Singing
  • Comedy, etc
All this above can be done to aid people who are in need of such assistance achieve their goals, while they pay you for your service.

Generally speaking, all of us have different ability or skill which if well developed, can meet people’s need.

All you have to do is find an angle of monetizing your package and your service will be demanded on a regular basis.

The most important thing is to like what you do and do it well for people to value, while working with a business plan and a little investment seed.

Do you know others things one can do to make money with little or no capital in Nigeria? Please, let me hear from you via comments.  

Sunday 4 August 2013

How To Get Loan in Nigeria Without Collateral at LAPO

LAPO (Lift Above Poverty Organization) established in 1987, is an NGO in Nigeria that runs a micro-finance bank (MFB); which is one of the Nigerian banks that give out loans without collateral. The LAPO Microfinance Bank Limited is a pro-poor financial institution committed to improving the quality of life of the poor through the provision of credit, savings instruments and other financial services.

If you are still wondering if it is really possible to borrow money without collateral in Nigeria, well, it is for REAL. Someone very close to me here in Nigeria was recently granted a business loan by LAPO without collateral. So, in this post, I will be sharing with you where you can get the loan to start a small scale businessthe benefitsthe requirements and the repayment plan.

Benefits of becoming a LAPO client

  1. Small amount of installment, therefore making  repayment schedule least stressful.
  2. Transactions cost minimal, banking services to the door step of clients
  3. Low cost of service
  4. No collateral is needed
  5. No extensive documentary work needed
  6. Benefit from diversified clients training programme.

Requirements for LAPO Trader's Loan

==> Fill a registration form

==> Open account with 10% of the amount you want to get as loan.

==> Two Guarantors (Note: They will be visited by LAPO laison officer). Your two guarantors must be on ground on the day the loan will be disbursed to you.

==> LAPO laison officer will also visit your shop to assess it.(Note: This will play a vital role in how much the trader will get because they are going to assess the shop).

After the above processes, you can then pay 10% and 0.5% of the approved loan amount for administrative fee and Insurance premium respectively and you will also be trained for two days. 

LAPO Loan Repayment Plan and Interest Rate

Apart from taking the this loan without collateral, you are also going to enjoy a very small interest rate that is very affordable. The loan is been given out with an interest rate of 2.2% only as at the time of publishing this post and the repayment is up to 8 months

Mind you, 1% of the loan will be contributed by you monthly and you can withdraw the total after you finish paying back the loan.

Let's quickly do small mathematics.

Take for example: If you get a loan of N150,000 from LAPO, remember the interest rate is 2.2% and you decide to pay it back in 6 months.

Total Interest for 6 months = 150,000 x 2.2% x 6 months = 19,800.

Monthly loan payment = (19,800 + 150,000) / 6 = 28,300

Monthly contribution = 1% x 150, 000 = 1,500

Therefore, Total monthly payment = 28,300 + 1,500 = 29,800

In conclusion, if you take a loan of N150,000, you will have to pay N29,800 monthly for 6 months.

Just to wrap it up, only collect the LAPO loan amount that you can afford to pay back without stress

You have to follow your repayment plan religiously because you will be fined if you don't pay back at the right time, the fine should be around N1,500 daily till you pay. 

Please don't divert the loan to use it for online investments especially HYIP. 

LAPO has over 300 branches in Nigeria. LAPO helps in improving lives and committed to the empowerment of low-income individuals. You can check LAPO website at :

I hope you make the best of this post. Feel free to ask questions via comments. 

How to Activate Big Brother Channel 198 on DsTV Decoder

Big Brother Africa is a continental reality show, which features contestants from various African countries who share the same house. They get to be voted off by viewers until there is one remaining who gets to win the prize. 

If you want to view the Big Brother Africa game show on your DsTV decoder, you must activate channels 198and 197 on the decoder. Besides, you must subscribe to the Compact or Premium bouquet for you to have access to the BBA channels. The channels bring audiences live 24/7 coverage from the Big Brother TV reality show.

If you are subscribed to the DsTV Access and Family bouquets, you will not be able to watch the 24/7 coverage but you can watch highlight packages of the game show on DStv channels Africa MagicAfrica Magic World as scheduled here

How Can I Activate BBA Channel 197 and 198?

If you have subscribed to DsTV Compact Plus or the DsTV Premium bouquet

==> Tune your DsTv to channel 198

==> Text "first 10 digits of your smartcard number and YES to 30333.

e,g 1234567890 YES

==> Wait for few minutes. 


==> You must use the phone number you registered with your Smartcard number. 

==> 30333 is the DsTV shortcode for Nigeria. 

That's all. 

If you want to view channels 198 in the on going DSTV Open weekend promo, you must activate the BB channels as explained above. If not, you will not be able to view #BBA The Chase 2013 show on the BBA channels. 

I hope this helps. 

Blackberry Z10?

From Blackberry to Samsung to Apple devices, the list of mobile devices to choose from stretches as far as the Atlantic Ocean often leaving one with the question- “Which one should I buy?”.

Yes! So the new Blackberry 10 OS is finally out on several devices sold on different online shops in Nigeria and with tags like “saving OS” “best blackberry OS ever” “best OS on earth” “best OS for a smartphone” being given to it, it definitely has a lot to meet up to in terms of hype from tech lovers and the media.

Blackberry recently released that the first set of devices with the OS; Blackberry Z10Blackberry q10 andBlackberry q5 with each device unique in its own way with a small differentiation being in taste and price of the devices.

In this review we will take a look at the first device released with the Blackberry 10 OS which is the Blackberry Z10.

The blackberry Z10 is a touch-based smartphone developed by Blackberry and released on January 30, 2013.

Let’s take a quick look at the Blackberry Z10 under a few headers;


The Blackberry Z10 is definitely not your typical Blackberry device, with features that differentiate it from any other Blackberry device ever built. It has a tall and narrow look, with straight edges that meet at rounded corners, and a roughly 4-inch screen, first look and you would mistake it for an Apple iPhone 5. The phone stands 5.1 inches tall, 2.6 inches wide, 0.35 inch thick and Its 4.8-ounce weight feels right with the phone's proportions giving it a very comfortable grip.

It comes with the supercool Blackberry 10 OS which is gesture driven with gestures such as swipetappinch, and reverse pinch, all of which have specific definitions within the context of the BB10 operating system and its multi-touch interface.

The Blackberry Z10 is a good device to look at (especially if you are getting the white coloured one)

Display and Processor: 

The Z10's 4.2-inch LCD display has a 1,280x768-pixel WXGA HD resolution giving it fine lettering, crisp edges, and deep colors. It comes with a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus 1.5 GHz dual-core (STL100-1 & STL100-2 & STL100-3 & STL100-4) processor.

Memory and Camera Features:

The Z10 is the first BlackBerry with a forward-facing camera, which goes hand-in-hand with the new BBM video chat function.  This front facing camera is 2 megapixel which shoots videos at 720p". While the rear end standard camera is an 8 megapixel camera with autofocus and LED flash capable of shooting 1080p video, A unique feature in the Z10's camera app is TimeShift. "BlackBerry has been showing it off for a while, and it lets users dial back the time on certain pictures so that people aren't making less-than-ideal faces in it (like blinking mid-shot). It comes with a built in memory of 16Gb microSD, microSDHC, microSDXC  expandable up to 64 GB. And 2048mb of ram.

Carrier Network and Data:  

It is supported on Airtel, Etisalat, Glo Mobile and MTN in Nigeria.

2G:GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G:HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
4G: LTE 800 / 900 / 1800 / 2600

Speed: HSDPA 21 Mbps, HSUPA 5.76 Mbps; LTE, EV-DO Rev. A, up to 3.1 Mbps While the Data is  EGPRS or EDGE EDGE and WiFi of802.11 a/b/g/n.

Battery and other general features

The BlackBerry Z10 has an 1800mAh battery, dubbed the LS1. It also comes with IEEE 802.11n-2009, Bluetooth4.0, NFC, Micro HDMI, Micro-USB connectivity.

Fun stuff

The Z10 comes pre-loaded with: BlackBerry Hub, Contacts, BlackBerry Browser (with Flash Player), BlackBerry Calendar, BBM, Text Messages,BlackBerry World, BlackBerry Remember, Docs To Go (for PowerPoint, Word, Excel), Pictures, Music, Videos, Story Maker, Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn, Foursquare, BlackBerry Maps, Games, YouTube, Voice Control, Weather, Active Frames, Clock, Calculator, Compass, File Manager,Box, BlackBerry Connect for Dropbox, Print To Go, Smart Tags, Settings, Android Runtime, Adobe Reader, Phone, Camera/Video Camera/Time Shift, Setup, Help, SIM Toolkit, Search

The blackberry Z10 price in Nigeria: As at the time of publishing this post, you can get the blackberry Z10 in Nigeria for N74,390 on and for slightly higher prices on Jumia and other websites.

MTN App Developer Competition: How To Apply

MTN Nigeria has kicked off a competition for mobile applications (apps) developers to encourage the development of mobile applications relevant to the Nigerian market . 

MTN's aim is to use the MTN App Developer Challenge as a credible platform to make the brand's promise a reality as well as promote the growth and use of locally relevant content which would help develop the Nigerian ecosystem via partnerships. 

Developers will be expected to submit applications into any of the following categories:

  • Entertainment and Lifestyle
  • Productivity
  • Games
  • Education
  • Health and Wellness
  • Special category  for students submissions (undergraduates)
Top 4 Apps will be shortlisted from each category based on number of customer's downloads and will be judged based on the criteria listed below.  One ‘wild card’ app will also be selected from each category by the judges (Judges’ wild card).

Judging Criteria

  • Originality of concept
  • Relevance of concept to the market
  • Best user experience
  • Commercial viability
Entries will be accepted from the 24th of July till 24th of October, 2013. Winners will be announced by 13th of December 2013

How To Participate

==> Go to to register and upload your app 
==> Get your friends to visit the MTN NextApps Store to download your app. Remember, four apps with the highest download in each category will qualify for the finals.


Once you have submitted your app,mail the app(s) name and your developer account name to the email address on the MTN NextApps Developer Portal page.

If you are submitting an app for the student category, please indicate in the mail.  

The developer(s) of the "Best Overall App" will get :

  • Hyundai IX 35
  • N1million
  • Samsung Galaxy S4
  • Free promotion of the app in the MTN NextApps store for 6 months 
Winners in each category will get:  
  • N1million
  • Samsung Galaxy S4
  • Free promotion of the app in the MTN NextApps store for 6 months